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"Welcome to the Construction Safety Alliance Web Site. The objective of this site is to provide you with the most current information regarding emerging research and commercial products which support improved safety on the construction site.

The information is based in part on work and initiatives of CSA, NIOSH and other organizations who are addressing important issues in the field of construction safety."

--Professor Daniel. W. Halpin

About Us

On May 14, 1999 the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) convened a highly successful symposium, titled, "Partnership for Research." It was the outgrowth of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA), which was created in 1996. During this meeting, Dr. Linda Rosenstock, the director of NIOSH, emphasized the importance of the unique collaboration of government, industry, and labor that embodies the true spirit of NORA partnerships. Nowhere is this needed more than the construction industry.

"In order to make a significant impact in the safety and health culture of the construction industry, the Construction Safety Alliance (CSA) provides the framework of this new vision that embraces meaningful and effective partnerships"
"The Construction Alliance consists of national experts in construction engineering and management, health sciences, ergonomics, safety, industrial engineering, statistics, epidemiology and labor construction companies, owners of constructed projects, trade associations, local and state governments. The Alliance will address problems that are specific to different regions, different trades and different industry sectors".
Division of Construction Engineering and Management

Purdue University 1235 Civil Eng. Bldg.

West Lafayette, IN 47907

Ph:(765)496-2742 Fax:(765)494-0644

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