From the Dean: June 2018

Dear Purdue Engineering Community,

Four months ago, we started a process to gather input broadly and to explore our plans for the College. We began by renewing our commitment to the strategic plans well-articulated over the past 15 years. We continue to aspire to an even brighter future for Purdue Engineering. We also promised an efficient process of around 100 days and a sharp, non-generic report.

Thank you for participating in this impactful conversation through open forums, anonymous inbox, and faculty working groups, as coordinated by Professors Kathleen Howell and Mark Lundstrom and helped by many volunteers (listed in Process and People from the College's homepage announcement). We have listened carefully. Responses to specific points have started and will continue regularly and frequently.

Such specific responses, as well as programs launched recently and many other initiatives to come, are guided by an overall intellectual identity, goals and culture. These are based on our institution's unique history and differentiating strength. The College Cabinet has condensed many ideas into a guiding document of one single page as attached, referred to as “Pinnacle of Excellence at Scale (PES).” (An appendix, the 10-year Space Master Plan, will be released at the end of summer.) We will make reference to the one-page PES as we go through the myriad concrete actions in years to come.

Planning documents consist of mere words; and many popular words have become hollow and tiring. Only execution matters in the end. Together we will propel Purdue Engineering to the pinnacle of excellence at scale.

Pinnacle of Excellence at Scale (PDF)


Mung Chiang
John A. Edwardson Dean of the College of Engineering
Purdue University